Naturally NurturedChildminding

We are situated in Landkey, just a few minutes drive off of the North Devon Link Road.

  • In our home the children will have access to indoor and outdoor play throughout the year. We have a dedicated room to use especially for more messy play, which leads out to the garden. We will utilise both the patio areas of the garden as well as the more natural grassed garden, incorporating physical play, nature study and gardening.
  • We are a home from home setting and we ensure that the setting is welcoming and nurturing. Our minded children become an extended part of our family and their wellbeing is our priority. Children that feel safe and are happy will always learn.
  • We believe that children learn best when they are fully engaged, so we will be providing activities that follow individual children’s interests, always ensuring that each child develops and learns at an age appropriate level. Children learn best when they discover for themselves so we will be providing heuristic play and loose parts for children to explore and investigate daily.
  • We live in a beautiful part of the world, so we are out and about regularly, visiting places that will enhance the children’s learning and development. We visit local libraries, museums and anywhere else that enriches the children’s experiences. Any trip or visit will always be risk assessed and only be done if felt safe.

Days and Hours

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 8.30am – 5.30pm

If you need an earlier drop off or later pick up, please do contact me as we may be able to accommodate you.